Monday 26 December 2011

Prominent features of a malay house

  •  Raised Floor Construction
           This is to counter the problem of occasional heavy rain and flash flood. This ensures the house will not get flooded, keeping the house to be clean and dry, regardless of the ground condition below.

  • Flexibility of the space
      The Malay traditions have a habit of  doing almost everything on the floor e.g sleep, sit, eat and pray. This has strongly influence the structure of their house, by having a flexibility in their spaces to accommodate with different activities.
  • Low windows
      Since most activities are done on the floor, windows are kept low to ensure effective ventilation at floor level throughout the house.

  • Porous/Maximum Ventilation Structures
This is to accommodate the hot humid climate. Sometimes wall are porous to allow  air-flow. Whenever solid paneling is used, ventilation grilles are allowed.
  • Pitched Roof
This is throw rainwater further away from the walls of the building.

  • Doorway that separate the male and female guest rooms
Males are rarely invited to the household while females are rarely invited to the family room.

  • Rooms with different floor heights
Rooms for females have a higher floor level, for more privacy.

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