Monday 26 December 2011

History of HDB flat design

The Housing & Development Board (HDB) was formed on 1 February 1960.  HDB’s main aim was to build low-cost housing for low-income Singaporeans to tackle the massive housing shortage inherited from the colonial government. 

Quality housing and services in an environment that supports and enhances their lifestyle is what all Singaporeans expect now. The HDB of tomorrow faces new challenges as new housing needs will surface in the future by keeping up with the needs of a younger generation as well as caring for an aging society. As new generation arises, more unique changes are created in HDB flats.

Evolution and Development in the HDB flat design

Evolution And Development in the HDB flat Design mainly would be because of renovation. Standard Flats are perfect for some. However, many prefer to make changes like installing their choice of finishes and fittings in the home. Therefore, renovation in other word develops the design in a standard HDB flat Design.

Many government renovation groups are active. For example, S S Lim Contractors, N & S Tiling & Renovation Contractors, D’Classic Interior Design etc. Such Renovation Contracts allows the user’s freedom of expression and creativity.

Typical Building Plans

All Building Plans differ. This is because all houses have different kind of building plan. It depends on the number of rooms and size of the rooms. For example, MG( Multi-Generation) and EA (Executive Apartment) differ from apartment sizes.165 Sqm 1776 Sq ft and 145 Sqm 1560 Sq ft respectively. The more changes found in a typical HDB flat, the more the building plans differ from the original building plan. This means that renovation affects Building Plan to a certain extent.

Construction Techinques and Functional Designs

When Constructing a HDB Flat, HDB considers many factors. Factors such as lifestyle improvements, site safety, collaborations to promote awareness and etc. The factor lifestyle improvement is considered because all new residential blocks built from 1998 had emergency lightings installed to provide power supply during power outages. Other kind of new ideas have been implemented and in response to residents’ feedback many solutions have been implemented by HDB Flats.

HDB flat (Exterior)

Part of a HDB

Origins of the selected malay house

Structures and appearance maybe influence by the tribal 'Boat Image' culture and tribal 'Aboriginal' culture.

The structure of the house is also influenced by a little Islamic way of life.

The house belongs to 'Malacca Style' a kind of local vernacular architecture

Prominent features of a malay house

  •  Raised Floor Construction
           This is to counter the problem of occasional heavy rain and flash flood. This ensures the house will not get flooded, keeping the house to be clean and dry, regardless of the ground condition below.

  • Flexibility of the space
      The Malay traditions have a habit of  doing almost everything on the floor e.g sleep, sit, eat and pray. This has strongly influence the structure of their house, by having a flexibility in their spaces to accommodate with different activities.
  • Low windows
      Since most activities are done on the floor, windows are kept low to ensure effective ventilation at floor level throughout the house.

  • Porous/Maximum Ventilation Structures
This is to accommodate the hot humid climate. Sometimes wall are porous to allow  air-flow. Whenever solid paneling is used, ventilation grilles are allowed.
  • Pitched Roof
This is throw rainwater further away from the walls of the building.

  • Doorway that separate the male and female guest rooms
Males are rarely invited to the household while females are rarely invited to the family room.

  • Rooms with different floor heights
Rooms for females have a higher floor level, for more privacy.

Building and construction techniques

  •  Building materials are mostly natural materials e.g timber/hardwood which is more durable and is the main material of the house.
  • The house is built on the Malay house construction system, whole house is made up of 2 basic units: main house (ruman ibu) and kitchen( ruman dapur)
  • Structures of the house is assembled using either the wedge method or pegged mortice and tenon.


    Elevation of a HDB flat

    Floor Plan of a HDB flat

    Floorplan of a Traditional Malay House

    The floor plan of  the malay house, shows the features of rooms with different height and doorway that separates the males and females rooms.

    Elevation of a Traditional Malay House

    From the elevation, the features of raised floor construction and low windows are seen.